Monday, April 20, 2009

New for SPRING

Porcelain Pinch Pots. 1" x 2" x2" $12 for four

Corn and Cobalt - Olive Servers 1" x 1.5" x 5" $15 for three.

Today is a super dreary one with a grey sky and rain drizzling pretty constantly. I thought it a good day to sit under a blanket with some tea and finally get to updating the Soup Shop.
It is now filled with vintage, handmade and re made objects. Something for every one.


kwillders said...

Hey! I ran across your blog somehow... and I saw that you had these beautiful olive holders for sale. I'm about an hour outside of Philly... Is there an actual shop that I could visit to buy them from you without going through Etsy? I'd love to have them!

Naomi Cleary said...

sadly not. etsy is the only place to get these. the bonus is that if they were in a gallery they would be more expensive. you only get half the money from gallery sales!
glad you like them