These little beauties are fundraisers for Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania Advocates(PPSPA), which is the wing of Planned Parenthood charged with affecting legislative decisions made in Southeastern PA.
You can get them in my Shop NOW
100% of the selling price of these dishes will be donated to this organization.
These dishes are food safe porcelain
2" x 3.5" x 4"
Perfect little ice cream bowls or for something like nuts and raisins or a dip of some kind.
This is the blurb from Planned Parenthood:
The government is greatly involved in the availability of birth control and information about abortion and often the decider.
- Consider whether public schools are going to include sex education that's more comprehensive than teaching abstention. Planned Parenthood is fighting an uphill battle to counteract the effects of the Bush administration's obsession with promoting "abstinence-only" programs instead of real, comprehensive sex education. Now, at least 1 in 4 teenage girls are infected with an STD.
- PA's legislature has failed to hold a floor vote on the 'EC in the ER' bill. The bill would ensure rape victims receive information on and access to emergency contraception at every Pennsylvania hospital. Currently, half of PA hospitals don't provide this standard care. We don't have enough supportive legislators to pass birth control for rape victims in hospitals.
- Millions of women across the country are facing a crisis when it comes to their access to birth control. Due to a legislative error, the cost of birth control is skyrocketing for college students and low-income women — in some places women are paying 900 percent more for birth control than they were just a few months ago. The law went into effect over a year and half ago, but Congress has failed to fix it.
Planned Parenthood is under attack on multiple fronts – in the courts, in Congress, in the state legislatures, outside health centers. Reproductive health care is under attack – in doctor's offices, in hospitals, in pharmacies, in schools. Planned Parenthood fights anti-choice extremism on every level. We work in the streets, in the states, and in Washington, DC to advance women's health. To keep our doors open and continue serving the millions of Americans that come to Planned Parenthood every year for information and health services, it's clear that we need to step into the electoral arena.
We need to ensure that elected officials support policies and programs that help women and their families, not hurt them. That means we need to get the right people elected and push commonsense preventive health care policies to the forefront of the political dialogue. This means that Planned Parenthood needs a (c)(4) entity to engage in political activities. This event and the (c)(4) are not about the candidates themselves, its about the issues that we're advocating for. Sure as a byproduct - an intended byproduct - PP helps elect elected officials but it's really about educating voters about where candidates stand on these important issues and creating relationships with elected officials to make sure that women's health care issues are addressed properly by government. For the time being, elected officials and public policy makers are a critical player in achieving Planned Parenthood's core activities.